Miniresidencies and Residencies
photo by Marcos Grabowsky
A miniresidency includes a full concert and a choice of a mini-concert with an educational focus or a school assembly, or specialized workshops, or educational sessions. Laura Fuentes y Calicanto are also available for longer residencies.
Overview of Latin American Music
Three main roots make up Latin American Music. In this session you will hear how Pre-Columbian, European, and African influences have come together in different countries. Participants will be able to identify original elements from each continent and witness the process of combination through music, songs and explanation.
News writer Amanda Misnik made the front page and lead headline of the October 16, 2002 Oserver with her review of Laura Fuentes y Calicanto's lecture at St. Mary's College, Notre Dame, IN: "An Overview of Latin American Music." (Check it out here)
Music of African Peru
A mini-concert highlighting Peruvian instruments like the cajo'n and donkey jaw featuring compelling and sensual rhythmic song styles like the lando', cals and tondero. The history and lyrics of these songs reveal the extraordinary spirit of a people.
Nueva Cancio'n (New Song)
Some of South America's master poets and musicians began to revive traditional regional styles in the 1960's when it was fashionable to reject local music in favor of imported pop. Their songs spoke directly to the reality of the people. Participants look at the New Song movement, songs, narration and instrumental; pieces and current Nueva Cancio'n.
Instruments of the Andes
The Andean or Altiplano region of South America hoists a vibrant musical tradition. Wee explain in depth Pre-Columbian flutes and percussion including the quena, quenacho, tarkas, zamponas and chajchas. Traditional styles are played on charango and guitar from Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru, and northern Chile.
Music of Chile
Chile, from north to south, begins in a hot dry desert and ends at the South Pole. This musical travelogue presents song styles like the rin, sirilla, curca, pericona and refalosa. You will hear the lesser known instruments of the Mapuche people, the original inhabitants of central and southern Chile., whose music has defied absorption into other national styles.
Songs of Venezuela
This mini-concert will take the audience from the calypso strains of street festival music to the lilting melodies of the islands, and the plaintive work songs of the flatlands. Venezuela is a country where good times are enjoyed by organizing choirs and you will find many more musical ensembles than bowling teams!
Designed & Managed by Peter Chan
Copyright© 2002
Real People's Music
This page last updated: January 29, 2012